“Conquering The West”
Framed 25”x31” Acrylic & Charcoal
Utoco Map of the West from 1950
As a kid, we moved a lot. I can remember the maps my dad would print off so we would know how to get from state to state.
They never really made sense to me 🤠
There are times I wish I had a roadmap for my life, where I could see where my decisions are taking me, what rough terrain I may encounter, and sights I would see.
The beauty of life and a life that is being led by God is the fact that even though i don’t really know what’s coming in the next day or week, I know the one who is leading me is good. He has good things planned! This doesn’t mean that I won’t encounter the tough areas of life but I know He is the one to get me through them.
The life filled with faith in God and what He wants to do is a greater adventure than anything I could map out.