Parting Ways
Friendship is an amazing thing. C.S. Lewis said, “Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.” We find common interests or ideas that draw us together. There comes a point where you find a few that become like family. Brothers who know your depths and inner workings. You laugh your fool head off, you shed tears of joy and of hurt. You may argue and fight, push each others buttons, but you always reconcile.
Brotherly love and affection is a wonderful thing. This piece was made out of a loss of this kind of brotherly love. Hard decisions made and actions taken that move each of you further apart. The texts, messages, and calls become few and far between until the day they just stop. You watch from afar, through a screen, wondering where they are and how they are doing but never reaching out to ask…
Man…parting ways is hard.
Take a minute today and send that text. Make that call. It will be worth more than the time spent doing it.